Cautious optimism, but frozen allowances!
13 January 2022The new year, 2022, has started and most of us hold out more hope of a better year ahead.
The new year, 2022, has started and most of us hold out more hope of a better year ahead.
It’s that ‘fresh start’ time again – many people make resolutions at the start of a new year, although I gather that fewer see all of them through.
2022 is ahead of us, and we hope that you were able to enjoy some of the celebrations at the end of 2021.
Wishing our clients, contacts, and friends an enjoyable Christmas and prosperous 2022 from our new offices in Shaw House, Tunsgate, Guildford
I talk and write a lot about how you can save efficiently, or reduce costs, or challenge your money planning to get the most from it.
2021 feels as though it has been a long year for many! Perhaps not as bad as 2020, but still a trial in comparison to normal non-pandemic years.
The number of unregulated investments (cryptocurrency or otherwise) seems to be on the rise and is, where appropriate and possible, a focus for regulators whose aim is to protect consumers.
As the nights draw in, the thought of the winter ahead might seem a little more onerous this year.
Budgets are usually set once every year in the UK, as the main statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with a spring or autumn statement given some six months apart from the main Budget.